Tuesday 8 May 2012

Day 8 = Pushing the Pause button

So, here I am only 1 full week in, and throwing in the towel on Making the Cut...

The thing is, I have an extremely full life, full of children, play, work, housework, garden work, sick family members, a big goofy dog and a wonderful husband. 

This past weekend I fell off the wagon, I went to visit a family member in the hospital and was out of town for supper, at the request of his wife (and quick affirmation from my kiddies) we ended up at McDonald's, I felt horrible and I had a salad with grilled chicken instead of a burger or fries.. and it clicked that I shouldn't feel that bad.  I made the best choice I could.  And other little things, like cutting up a mango for my kids and denying myself a cube.. really wanting a second piece of toast and making myself wait until lunch time. 

I think Jillian Michaels is a fabulous trainer, I respect her very very much.  Her exercises work, her drive is contagious.  This book I am confident would work for the right person. 

For me, right now, it's becoming a big burden in an already stressful life.  Having to make special meals, denying myself the pleasure of an occasional glass of wine, and fitting in an hour long workout in the house when the weather is becoming beautiful and all I want to do is take my dog on a sprint.. and instead being stuck inside it's just not working for me right now.  Also I can't afford to cook chicken and steak every night.

I may revisit this again though...  for now I will continue with what I know works for me, but incorporate a lot of her moves from the book into my daily routine.  I don't have a final event that I have to push for to 'peak'.. I just want the best me, and maybe not be so afraid of my swimsuit.

Thanks for reading :)

Friday 4 May 2012

Day 4

Day 4 and I'm down 2.2 lbs. 

I've been eating the meals she suggests, not all the same as on the menu but haven't been deviating from her meal ideas.  The next week will be much easier as I can adapt 'my' meals for the whole family - this past week I had a couple of extra daycare kids staying for supper, very fussy eaters who would 'yuck' at any Jillian meal unfortunately.. also it's quite pricey at times - no sense spending all that time, energy and money on a meal that will not get eaten.  My own kids may not eat all of the things but they will eat some parts of the meals at least.  And it will be easier not making 2 meals :) 

Looking forward to working out tonight.. not much pain after but I feel the burn during - gonna step it up tonight and any exercises I can't do I will add some resistance band exercises.  Hoping the rain holds off so I can add a sprint with my pup afterwards :)  I may go on my own just the same though :)

So far, so good. 

Tuesday 1 May 2012

End Day 1

So the first workout was pretty hard, but I'd rate it around level 2 of the 30 day shred.  What is apparent to me is that it's really tough to have your workout schedule and the exercises in the same book - I spent too much time flipping around trying to find what I was supposed to be doing! I'm sure once I've done all of them I'll be okay though, or I could photocopy the exercises ( I have a scanner/photocopier/printer at home).
I'm not sure I did it all right though because I'm not all that sore (yet) I took her advice and finished up with 15 mins cardio (a quick walk with Simba).  I could not perform one of the exercises because you need gym equipment.  Once I get a bit better organized and confident I'll add some resistance band exercises of my own, as most that I can't do have some form of resistance - it won't be the same, but better then skipping them altogether.
I'm not very sore, but often found myself shaking and hardly able to perform the last few reps more than a few times, so I'm guessing the pain will arrive later.

Food-wise, I had a good day.  Breakfast was the toughest for me because I do not like a big breakfast.. unless it's the weekend and I've been up for hours.  But I ate most of it!  No morning snack may take some getting used to - I had peppermint tea instead.  Lunch was yummy, a couple of small wraps with broccoli, turkey, jarred roasted red peppers, mixed with cream cheese, Italian dressing and all sauteed together before wrapping - yum!  I added a handful of cherry tomatoes to my plate to make it prettier ;)
Supper was tougher, I made a pizza for the kids (I have 2 extra all week) and Jillian's Reuben sandwiches for Tom and I - Tom ended up having a slice anyways, but I did good.  It was a meal meant for lunch but at 500 calories I think it was fitting for supper anyways, and I just don't have time this week to make 2 big meals.  Next week I'll be able to adapt it to fit our family and it will be easier.

So Day 1 = Big success..  :)

It's Today, It's Today!

This morning I feel like shouting out the old saying "Today is the first day of the rest of my life" or something similar!

I woke up this morning and felt at peace with the next 30 days.  I wasn't sure what the morning would hold for me.  I feel ready for the challenge and inspired.  I feel hopeful and positive - I have a lot of trust in what Jillian Michaels is proposing.. Having studied the food and the exercises, I feel certain I will see results if I push myself.  This is unlike other challenges I have done, this time there is nobody looking over me to make sure I don't cheat out of the last 10 reps.. there is no crowd awaiting my arrival with hugs and tears.  This time it's just me... my body and mind. 

I'm hoping you are there too though, pulling for me and holding me accountable.  I have taken pictures that even my sweet husband was hard pressed to find a compliment for... 

I already know it will be tough to get through the amount of food she wants me to eat for breakfast.  I am a notorious breakfast skipper - because I don't like to eat when I wake up.  I have in the past few months been relying on instant breakfast drinks... this morning I had a bowl of cereal and I choked down 1 of 2 scrambled eggs..  but I know I have to do it so I don't want to eat before lunch or overdo lunch!

I'll write again tonight after the first workout.. if I can still move my arms ;)