Tuesday 1 May 2012

End Day 1

So the first workout was pretty hard, but I'd rate it around level 2 of the 30 day shred.  What is apparent to me is that it's really tough to have your workout schedule and the exercises in the same book - I spent too much time flipping around trying to find what I was supposed to be doing! I'm sure once I've done all of them I'll be okay though, or I could photocopy the exercises ( I have a scanner/photocopier/printer at home).
I'm not sure I did it all right though because I'm not all that sore (yet) I took her advice and finished up with 15 mins cardio (a quick walk with Simba).  I could not perform one of the exercises because you need gym equipment.  Once I get a bit better organized and confident I'll add some resistance band exercises of my own, as most that I can't do have some form of resistance - it won't be the same, but better then skipping them altogether.
I'm not very sore, but often found myself shaking and hardly able to perform the last few reps more than a few times, so I'm guessing the pain will arrive later.

Food-wise, I had a good day.  Breakfast was the toughest for me because I do not like a big breakfast.. unless it's the weekend and I've been up for hours.  But I ate most of it!  No morning snack may take some getting used to - I had peppermint tea instead.  Lunch was yummy, a couple of small wraps with broccoli, turkey, jarred roasted red peppers, mixed with cream cheese, Italian dressing and all sauteed together before wrapping - yum!  I added a handful of cherry tomatoes to my plate to make it prettier ;)
Supper was tougher, I made a pizza for the kids (I have 2 extra all week) and Jillian's Reuben sandwiches for Tom and I - Tom ended up having a slice anyways, but I did good.  It was a meal meant for lunch but at 500 calories I think it was fitting for supper anyways, and I just don't have time this week to make 2 big meals.  Next week I'll be able to adapt it to fit our family and it will be easier.

So Day 1 = Big success..  :)

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