Tuesday 1 May 2012

It's Today, It's Today!

This morning I feel like shouting out the old saying "Today is the first day of the rest of my life" or something similar!

I woke up this morning and felt at peace with the next 30 days.  I wasn't sure what the morning would hold for me.  I feel ready for the challenge and inspired.  I feel hopeful and positive - I have a lot of trust in what Jillian Michaels is proposing.. Having studied the food and the exercises, I feel certain I will see results if I push myself.  This is unlike other challenges I have done, this time there is nobody looking over me to make sure I don't cheat out of the last 10 reps.. there is no crowd awaiting my arrival with hugs and tears.  This time it's just me... my body and mind. 

I'm hoping you are there too though, pulling for me and holding me accountable.  I have taken pictures that even my sweet husband was hard pressed to find a compliment for... 

I already know it will be tough to get through the amount of food she wants me to eat for breakfast.  I am a notorious breakfast skipper - because I don't like to eat when I wake up.  I have in the past few months been relying on instant breakfast drinks... this morning I had a bowl of cereal and I choked down 1 of 2 scrambled eggs..  but I know I have to do it so I don't want to eat before lunch or overdo lunch!

I'll write again tonight after the first workout.. if I can still move my arms ;)

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