Tuesday 8 May 2012

Day 8 = Pushing the Pause button

So, here I am only 1 full week in, and throwing in the towel on Making the Cut...

The thing is, I have an extremely full life, full of children, play, work, housework, garden work, sick family members, a big goofy dog and a wonderful husband. 

This past weekend I fell off the wagon, I went to visit a family member in the hospital and was out of town for supper, at the request of his wife (and quick affirmation from my kiddies) we ended up at McDonald's, I felt horrible and I had a salad with grilled chicken instead of a burger or fries.. and it clicked that I shouldn't feel that bad.  I made the best choice I could.  And other little things, like cutting up a mango for my kids and denying myself a cube.. really wanting a second piece of toast and making myself wait until lunch time. 

I think Jillian Michaels is a fabulous trainer, I respect her very very much.  Her exercises work, her drive is contagious.  This book I am confident would work for the right person. 

For me, right now, it's becoming a big burden in an already stressful life.  Having to make special meals, denying myself the pleasure of an occasional glass of wine, and fitting in an hour long workout in the house when the weather is becoming beautiful and all I want to do is take my dog on a sprint.. and instead being stuck inside it's just not working for me right now.  Also I can't afford to cook chicken and steak every night.

I may revisit this again though...  for now I will continue with what I know works for me, but incorporate a lot of her moves from the book into my daily routine.  I don't have a final event that I have to push for to 'peak'.. I just want the best me, and maybe not be so afraid of my swimsuit.

Thanks for reading :)

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